Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September Book Order

A huge "thank you" to all of the parents that submitted book orders for the month of September. We had so many book orders that we were able to add about 50 new books to the classroom library. The kiddos and I are excited to read the new books. Here are all of our free books that are being added to our classroom library! Thank you again!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fuel Up to Play 60

Last Friday, we had our Fuel Up to Play 60 event at school. We learned about healthy eating and we got to try some new food like jicama, tomatoes, and grapes. After learning about these foods, we had a lot of fun dancing and participating in many other activities. We also made a pledge to stay active for at least 60 minutes a day. Check out the photos below from this awesome event!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Power Towers

Today we had a lot of fun learning how to play Power Towers. You can easily make this game at home. You will need some small cups and a sharpie marker. On each plastic cup is a math addition or subtraction equation. The students take turns pulling out a cup, say and answer the equation, then stack the cup. In the classroom, when the students are done stacking all of the cups, they then take turns taking a cup off of the Power Tower. They must say and answer the equation and then they get to keep the cup in front of them.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Math Mountains

We have been learning a lot about partner numbers of 6-10. Today we decided to take a little different approach to our learning and use some manipulative a to discover the partner numbers of 9. The students loved using the red/yellow chips along with their math boards to make math mountains and explore their partner numbers. We found all of the partner numbers of 9 along with their switch partner numbers (what we have been referring to as the "flip flop" partner). 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Writers' Workshop

This week we began Writers' Workshop! During the first trimester, we will be learning about Small Moment (narrative) writing. We will be working on choosing a small moment (a thing that happened to us or a thing that we have done) and writing all about it. We will also work on using capital letters and punctuation in our writing. Today, the students chose a small moment from their life to write about. Some of the topics were the following: holding a baby alligator at a zoo, falling down and getting hurt, and going down a water slide at a water park. The first graders worked really hard on their writing and I look forward to reading the pieces of writing that they create this trimester.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Today we learned about the rules we have to follow in different places around the school. We learned about the hallway rules, bathroom rules, arrival and dismissal rules, and lastly, playground rules. All of the first graders were great when going outside despite the heat. They were fantastic listeners and have shown that they can be "Phantastic Phantoms" in all areas of the school. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

GoNoodle Brain Breaks

We had a fantastic first day of school today. The kids enjoyed exploring the classroom, going to specials, learning some new things, and doing fun brain breaks. We will use the site GoNoodle for many brain breaks in the classroom. You can sign up for free and use this website at home! Click on the following website to explore GoNoodle! www.gonoodle.com 

I am looking forward to another great day with these first graders!