Friday, October 9, 2015

Phantastic Phantoms

We worked in groups today to make posters about Hallway Behavior.
The students know that they need to do the following in the hallway:
  • Zero voice
  • Hands by your side
  • Walk in a straight line
  • Walk with quiet feet
  • Look straight ahead
  • Keep up with your line
The students worked super hard this week to follow these rules.
We won the traveling trophy for following these rules in the hallway.
Great job being Phantastic Phantoms!

Fire Safety and Prevention

Today we had some visitors. The Lawrence Fire Department visited Hemlock Creek today. The first graders learned about fire safety and prevention. The students were attentive listeners and had some very good questions for these Firefighters. 

The Firefighters assigned some homework to everyone.
  1.  Change the batteries in your fire alarms at home on Daylight Savings Day this fall.
  2. Decide on a meeting place outside of your home in case of a fire.
  3. Make sure your child has their address memorized.
 The kiddos were such good listeners that they received a spirit stick, pencil, and an eraser. After the visit, we completed a Fire Safety sheet together. Here are some pictures from today's visit and activity. Please discuss your fire safety plan at home this weekend.