Friday, November 13, 2015


This game is based off of the dice game "Tenzi."
How to play: Each player is given five dice. The first player to get all five of their dice to match (five 3's) says "Fivezi" and wins the game. To make the game more interesting, I made cards with different combinations of dice faces. Each player takes turns choosing a card. The players will roll their dice and get their dice to match the card. The players can "farm" or take out the dice that they have rolled and pick up the remaining dice to re-roll to get the other dice faces that they need. Check out the video and picture collage below. 

Veterans Day

On Wednesday, we learned about Veterans Day. The students learned that we honor Americans who have served in the military and have fought for our freedom. The students learned that because of their bravery, we are free to go to school, we are free to play, we are free to travel, and much more! After we learned about Veterans Day, we wrote letters to a friend of mine who served in the military. The kids enjoyed writing this letter and "thanking" him for his service.