Friday, May 6, 2016


This week in science we learned about biomimicry. Biomimicry is a product inspired by plants and animals found in nature. 

The first product we investigated was an alarm clock. As a class, the students had to discuss what animal or plant this product may have been inspired by. We also discussed what human problem the product solved. The students determined that the alarm clock was inspired by the rooster. The alarm clock mimics the sound the rooster makes and it helps humans wake up on time.

The second product that we investigated was Velcro. The students had to discuss what animal or plant this product was inspired by. We discussed what human problem the product solved. The students determined that Velcro was inspired by burrs. This is a common problem on our playground. Many students will come inside after recess with burrs on their clothes. Velcro mimics the "sticky" hooks and that they fasten two materials together.

We also did a fun pill bug project this week!