Thursday, March 3, 2016

Reading Month Door Decorating

This year's reading month theme is Superheroes. As one of the activities, we are having a door decorating contest. Student council members will be going around and judging the doors based on the following: creativity, student involvement, and quality. Our door is "The Incredibles" theme. The students had a blast making their own "Incredible" superhero. Check it out below. 

March is Reading Month

March is READING MONTH! During the entire month of March, there will be many fun activities for you to do at home and we will be participating in many at school. If your child does 15 activities on the reading month calendar that was sent home, they will get a spirit stick! Please let me know if you need a new copy! There are also a few dress up days so be sure to pay attention to the calendar! Today, Mrs. Gossen, read the book Llama Llama and the Bully Goat written by Anna Dewdney. After she read the book, Llama Llama made a special visit. Check back for more reading month fun!