Monday, December 19, 2016

Winter Concert

It was a very busy day for the first graders! We had our winter concert today. They did a fantastic job singing their four songs. The songs were Snowman, Where'd You Go?, Hanukkah Dreams, Turn Off that Nose! and Joy to the World. 

Snowman, Where'd You Go?

Turn Off that Nose!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens

We read the book Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens Written by Louise Borden and Illustrated by Lillian Hoban. After reading this book, the students thought of the things that they need to wear for our very frigid Wisconsin weather. They were instructed to write five things that they need to wear in order to stay warm. Below you will find one of the pieces of writing that was created. After completing their writing piece, the students created a fun project.

More Coding!

While in the computer lab today, we learned more about coding and another fun website. Today we used the Kodable website. The kids had an absolute blast making their fuzz ball go through a maze while collecting as many coins as possible. You can access this website at home. Click on the Kodable Website Link! Click on "Play without saving."

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hour of Code

Today we participated in Hour of Code week.  Schools are challenged to have all students participate in at least one hour of computer coding. We used the website Tynker. Tynker includes various coding games for all levels of coders. Today we played the game Candy Quest. The object of this game is to move an avatar to a piece of candy. Some levels even had some obstacles! I helped the students through the first few levels but then left it up to them to find and fix their mistakes. We got so busy with this coding game that I forgot to take some pictures! Your child can easily access this game at home by going to the Tynker Website!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Grammar: Verbs

On Friday, we reviewed verbs. We looked closer at action verbs which are words that describe what the subject of the sentence is doing. After our quick review, we read the book Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes written by Eric Litwin and illustrated by James Dean. In this book, Pete the Cat goes to school and while at school Pete does many different things in his school shoes. Pete plays, eats, reads and much more in his school shoes. Then the students created Pete the Cat and chose one verb to describe what their Pete the Cat was doing in his school shoes! 

The book was checked out from the library so we watched a read aloud of the book on YouTube. Here is the link to the book! 

Science: Human Body

We have finished up our science unit on the Human Body. We learned about the six systems of our body that helps it be strong and healthy. We learned about the following systems: Circulatory System, Nervous System, Muscular System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, and the Skeletal System. 

Check out one of the human body posters below!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Snowmen at Night

Today, we read the book Snowmen at Night written by Caralyn Buehner and illustrated by Mark Buehner.

After reading the book, the students were then prompted to think about what they would do if they were a snowman at night. We used the Seesaw app to draw and write what they would do! Maybe we will get some snow soon! :)

Check the ALL of the student's creations on our Seesaw Blog:

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Today, I introduced our class to an iPad app and website called Seesaw. This app and website allows students to collect their digital work in one spot. It also allows parents access to work that their child is doing at school.   

A note giving you and your child access from home is in their take home folder today!

To introduce the kids to Seesaw, I had the students think of one thing that they did over the long weekend. They then opened up the app and drew a picture of what they did. After they were done drawing their picture, we learned how to add a caption to the picture that stated what they did. We also learned how to "like" other student's work! We will use this app throughout the school year and continue to work on using capital letters and punctuation in our sentences while using technology! They had a lot of fun and I look forward to using this app again tomorrow and throughout the year!

To see ALL of the students work you can also visit our Seesaw blog. Please click on the link below:

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Oneida Past and Present

On Wednesday morning, Mrs. Karl came in to discuss and teach our class about the Oneida Nation traditions, customs, and history. This lesson tied in with our Past and Present unit for the 1st Trimester. Check out some pictures from the presentation below! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Activities

We have been busy with Thanksgiving activities the past two days. The kiddos have done a great job thinking of all of the things that they are thankful for in their lives. Today, the students finished up their drawing and painting of a turkey. We were also very busy making a "Thankful Turkey" paper bag book that includes talents that we are thankful for and the many things we are thankful for at home, school, and outside. We were so busy putting these books together that I didn't get the chance to capture the kiddos working. However, you can check out the watercolor turkeys that the kids drew and painted! I love how they turned out!