Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Field Day

We had fantastic weather for Field Day today. The students had a lot of fun at each of the stations. The three stations included water relay races, carnival games, and a dance party and treat station. They had an absolute blast! 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day

We learned about Memorial Day in school today. The students learned that we celebrate all of the people who have fought, died, or are still fighting for our freedom in the United States. After learning more about the holiday, the students colored their own memorial day book and worked on a word search. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016


We have finished up Persuasive Writing for the school year! Instead of staying inside during writing time on Friday, we decided to go outside with our writing stuff and enjoy the beautiful weather. The students loved the change of scenery and enjoyed being outside and exploring the nature trail that we have here at school. They were encouraged to write about whatever they would like. Some students wrote about why the nature trail was cool while others decided to write an informational text teaching all about the nature trail. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Two Digit Addition

In math, we have been practicing addition problems with two digit numbers. We have learned various ways on how to solve the problems such as the following strategies: new groups above, new groups below, showing all totals, or using ten sticks and ones to create a drawing. 

After learning these different strategies, the students enjoyed participating in an activity. The students were paired up. They took turns rolling a dice twice to make a two digit number. Once they both had a two digit number, they added these numbers together for the sum. They had to check to check with each other to make sure that they got the correct answer. The students loved participating in this activity and look forward to it!

Friday, May 6, 2016


This week in science we learned about biomimicry. Biomimicry is a product inspired by plants and animals found in nature. 

The first product we investigated was an alarm clock. As a class, the students had to discuss what animal or plant this product may have been inspired by. We also discussed what human problem the product solved. The students determined that the alarm clock was inspired by the rooster. The alarm clock mimics the sound the rooster makes and it helps humans wake up on time.

The second product that we investigated was Velcro. The students had to discuss what animal or plant this product was inspired by. We discussed what human problem the product solved. The students determined that Velcro was inspired by burrs. This is a common problem on our playground. Many students will come inside after recess with burrs on their clothes. Velcro mimics the "sticky" hooks and that they fasten two materials together.

We also did a fun pill bug project this week!