Friday, September 23, 2016

Fuel Up To Play 60 Kickoff Event

We had our Fuel Up to Play 60 Kickoff Event at school today. We learned about healthy eating and we got to try some new food like jicama, beets, and snap peas. After learning about these foods, we had a lot of fun dancing and participating in many other activities. We also made a pledge to stay active for at least 60 minutes a day. Check out the photos below from this awesome event!

U.S. Symbols - Statue of Liberty

We have finished our unit on State and National Symbols.  The last symbol that we learned about was the Statue of Liberty. The students had a lot of fun following the directions to make their own Statue of Liberty.  After following the directions, we used our watercolors to paint our works of art! They turned out great!

Friday, September 16, 2016

U.S. Symbols - Bald Eagle

We are starting to learn about the United States Symbols. The past two days we have been learning about the bald eagle. This bird represents freedom and strength. After learning about the bald eagle, we did two different activities. The activity below was a directed drawing. The students had a lot of fun following the directions to make their own bald eagle. They turned out great!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Wisconsin State Symbols - Social Studies

Today, we finished up learning about the Wisconsin State Symbols. The symbols that we learned about were the flag, state seal, tree (Sugar Maple), bird (American Robin), animal (badger), and flower (Wood Violet). Today, we wrapped up Wisconsin Symbols by completing an activity sheet. The students loved taking the time to color, complete the maze, and find all of the words in the word search. Next, we will be learning about some of the United States Symbols in class. 


We are off to a great first FULL week of school! We will be using the site GoNoodle for many brain breaks in the classroom. You can sign up for free and use this website at home! Click on the following website to explore GoNoodle! 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Daily 5

We have been learning a lot about Daily 5 in our classroom. We have learned about Read-to-Self time and Read-to-Someone time. We learned about what it should look like and sound like during these two times. We practiced reading to self and reading to someone a lot this week! We will learn about the other three parts of Daily 5 in the upcoming weeks.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Yesterday we started math! I introduced a new tool the students will use throughout the school year. The math tool we learned about for the school year is Rekenreks! The students have found that Rekenreks are lots of fun to use! This tool is a great hands on resource to help represent various numbers and even solve math problems. Today we worked on showing a number that is greater than five with the use of the Rekenrek. The students can easily identify the group of five and the "left overs" in order to make the given number. 

The students had time to explore the Rekenreks before we used them for math! They had lots of fun and are enjoying using this tool for math!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Phantastic Phantom Behavior

We have had a great first two days of school! After learning a lot about routines and rules at school, the kids and I are looking forward to a long holiday weekend!  Today we learned about the rules we have to follow in different places around the school. We learned about the hallway rules, bathroom rules, playground rules and lastly, school assembly rules. They were fantastic listeners and have shown that they can be "Phantastic Phantoms" in all areas of the school.