Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Snowmen at Night

Today, we read the book Snowmen at Night written by Caralyn Buehner and illustrated by Mark Buehner.

After reading the book, the students were then prompted to think about what they would do if they were a snowman at night. We used the Seesaw app to draw and write what they would do! Maybe we will get some snow soon! :)

Check the ALL of the student's creations on our Seesaw Blog:

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Today, I introduced our class to an iPad app and website called Seesaw. This app and website allows students to collect their digital work in one spot. It also allows parents access to work that their child is doing at school.   

A note giving you and your child access from home is in their take home folder today!

To introduce the kids to Seesaw, I had the students think of one thing that they did over the long weekend. They then opened up the app and drew a picture of what they did. After they were done drawing their picture, we learned how to add a caption to the picture that stated what they did. We also learned how to "like" other student's work! We will use this app throughout the school year and continue to work on using capital letters and punctuation in our sentences while using technology! They had a lot of fun and I look forward to using this app again tomorrow and throughout the year!

To see ALL of the students work you can also visit our Seesaw blog. Please click on the link below:

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Oneida Past and Present

On Wednesday morning, Mrs. Karl came in to discuss and teach our class about the Oneida Nation traditions, customs, and history. This lesson tied in with our Past and Present unit for the 1st Trimester. Check out some pictures from the presentation below! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Activities

We have been busy with Thanksgiving activities the past two days. The kiddos have done a great job thinking of all of the things that they are thankful for in their lives. Today, the students finished up their drawing and painting of a turkey. We were also very busy making a "Thankful Turkey" paper bag book that includes talents that we are thankful for and the many things we are thankful for at home, school, and outside. We were so busy putting these books together that I didn't get the chance to capture the kiddos working. However, you can check out the watercolor turkeys that the kids drew and painted! I love how they turned out! 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Family Turkey Disguise Project

On Friday, the students enjoyed sharing their Family Turkey Disguise Projects with the class. Check out some of the students sharing their projects below!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

I "Mustache" You a Question

We made mustaches to wrap up our unit on asking and answering questions. We have worked on this skill during the last two weeks of school. We have practiced this skill while reading fiction and non-fiction texts.. We read many fiction and non-fiction texts to practice this skill. We finished up this unit with the book The Fox and the Falling Leaves written by Julia Rawlinson and illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke. They did a great job asking and answering their questions that they had throughout the book!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Science: Human Body

Last week, we started our unit on the Human Body. We learned about the Skeletal and Muscular Systems and why they are so important for our body. The kids learned that the Skeletal System includes all of the bones in our body and these bones give our body shape. We learned that there are 206 bones in our body! The kids then learned that the Muscular System includes all of the muscles in our body and these muscles allow us to move. We learned that there are over 600 muscles in our body!