Saturday, February 25, 2017

Staff Variety Show

Yesterday the staff held a variety show as part of a PBIS incentive that the students earned for the month of February. The kids loved it! :)
Specialists - performed musical helmets 
Kindergarten - Pop See Koo Dance
Grade 1 - Yip Yips
Grade 2 - Human Bowling Race and Pie in the Face
Grade 3 - Relay Race
Grade 4 - Shake it Off Take 2
Grade 5 - Glow Stick Dance.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Sound: Straw Oboes

We have been learning about sound during Science. The past two weeks we have been exploring ways to make sound. We have learned that vibrations make sound and sound can make materials vibrate. Today, we made straw oboes. This was a great way for the students to feel vibrations and hear sound at the same time! After making our straw oboes, the students predicted what would happen if the straw was cut shorter! The kiddos predicted correctly that the pitch would be higher! You can make straw oboes at your house! Below is a picture of how to cut a plastic straw and what your straw oboe should sound like :)
 Image result for straw oboes

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Dental Health Associates

On Thursday, we had a Dental Health Presentation. The kids learned about the importance of brushing and flossing. They also learned that eating healthy foods is another way to keep your teeth strong.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a fantastic Valentine's Day in first grade today. The kids loved the emoji themed Valentine's Day party. The kids enjoyed making their emoji bag, exchanging Valentine's, coloring various emoji coloring sheets, and playing emoji bingo. 

After recess this afternoon, I had a challenge for the kiddos. Their challenge was to work with a partner to build a structure using marshmallows and toothpicks. Their structure had to be built strong enough to hold a book. The kiddos did great and worked so well together!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Oneida Culture Presentation

Today as a part of our unit on cultures, all of the 1st graders at Hemlock Creek got to participate in three activities and presentations by Mrs. Karl and the Oneida Nation Museum. The students made pinch pots with clay and an Oneida clan mobile. The students also really enjoyed listening to and singing Oneida songs.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Popcorn Words

On Friday, we reviewed words that include -ar and -or. The students participated in a "Popcorn Word" activity. They were required to write "-or" words on each piece of popcorn. After writing the word, they then had to underline the -or in each word.