Friday, March 17, 2017

Light and Sound: Communication Device

We wrapped up our unit about Light and Sound today. The students had to use their creativity and knowledge today to create a device using light and/or sound in order to communicate with another person. Their inventions turned out great! 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Breakfast Parfait Tasting

We had a yogurt parfait tasting yesterday. The kiddos enjoyed taste testing as well as seeing the cow mascot! Thank you, Mrs. Brehm for organizing this event!

Building for Kids Museum

Today we went to the Building for Kids Museum in Appleton. The kids had a lot of fun exploring, playing, learning, and having fun. The students participated in a kaleidoscope class today. This class related directly to our unit on light and sound. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Door Decorating Contest

One of the March Reading Month activities is a Door Decorating Contest! Since our theme is "Reading Takes You Places" we decided to decorate our door based on the popular series "The Magic Tree House." The kids absolutely loved helping put it all together. It turned out fantastic! 
Check it out below!

Dr. Seuss

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday. We learned all about Dr. Seuss, read some of his books, and did a few activities. We read The Cat in the Hat. After reading this book, the kiddos were instructed to make a new hat for cat. They had a lot of fun being creative! 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Elephant & Piggie

There are a lot of fun activities planned for the month of March! We had special visitors to kick off this exciting month of fun! Elephant and Piggie came to visit Hemlock Creek students today!