Saturday, September 23, 2017


On Friday, I introduced Seesaw to the students. The students had to think of something that they like to do. Then the students used the drawing option on Seesaw to draw a picture of what they like to do. They loved getting to use the iPads and share their pictures with each other on Seesaw!

Writer's Workshop

During our first unit of study, the students will be focusing on small moment stories. These stories are true stories about the student. The students have been busy thinking of something that has happened to them or something that they have done. On Friday, the students shared one of their stories with a writing partner! 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Reader's Workshop

During the past two weeks, the students have been working really hard on our reading routines and building good habits as readers. I am so proud of each and every child as they continue to work hard and build good reading habits. We have learned about good habits we should have while working independently as well as with a partner. Ask your child about the habits they have been practicing! :)

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Working with Others

On Friday, the kiddos were put into groups and given some challenges with cups. While having lots of fun with the challenges, the kiddos learned how to work cooperatively with others in a group. After the challenges, we discussed some of the challenges that they may have had when working with others. Then we created a poster to remind us how to work with others. The kiddos had lots of fun while learning on Friday.

Classroom Library

We are off to a great start to the school year! The kiddos have been very good listeners when it comes to learning all about the routines and rules of our classroom and school. This week the kiddos and I had a very big job. Our job was to go through all of the bins of books in our classroom library and label them. They really enjoyed looking through all of the books and learning where these books will be in our classroom. They were very eager to read the books as well! :)