Thursday, October 12, 2017

Science Unit: Light and Sound

We started a new science unit. During the next few weeks, we will be learning about light and sound. Yesterday, we learned that objects that vibrate make sound. In order to explore this idea deeper, the students were given a container with a rubber band around it. The students then needed to pluck the rubber band. Once they plucked it, they needed to use their eyes to see what happened to the rubber band when plucked and their ears to listen to what they heard when they plucked the rubber band. The kids had a lot of fun using their senses during this mini experiment :)

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Fire Safety

The Lawrence Fire Department visited Hemlock Creek today. The first graders learned about fire safety and prevention. The students were attentive listeners and had some very good questions for these Firefighters. Check out some pictures from our visitors below!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Traveling Trophy

The students were pretty excited when our class was announced to win the traveling trophy for the week. The students won the trophy for using the playground equipment appropriately and with respect. Mr. K came by to take our picture with the trophy! 

National Symbols: Statue of Liberty

We finished up learning all about the National Symbols. We learned about the flag, bald eagle, White House, Liberty Bell, and the Statue of Liberty. For the last symbol, the Statue of Liberty, we did a directed drawing and used our watercolors to paint it. The students loved this project and they turned out great! :)