Thursday, October 8, 2015

Phonics Instruction - Fundations

Today, I recorded our teacher helper for the day leading our Fundations warm up. Each day we do a drill sound/warm up before we start our lesson. The teacher helper gets to choose 5-7 letters to do the letter-keyword-sound. In this video you will notice that the teacher helper will state the letter-keyword-sound and all of the other students will then repeat the letter-keyword-sound. The teacher helper then leads our vowel extensions. The vowel extensions helps the students stretch out their vowel sounds. You have probably noticed the Fundations packets coming home in your child's take home folder. These packets will let you know what we are learning and are for you to use at home.  They are not required but do offer activities for your child to have a little extra phonics practice.

Enjoy! If at any time you have any questions, please let me know! :)